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Yoni Spa Kenneth

How did I learn tantric massage?

As a male tantric masseur in Hong Kong, I often get asked if I have really studied massage, and how I learned it. I always answer truthfully that I have learned from other people, as well as from books and videos, and I have practiced with different clients.

I had a teacher who knew how to do massage, and I learned basic techniques for oil massage, muscle massage, and lymphatic massage from him. I also searched online for information about massages for women, and found a lot of resources with a bit of effort.

As someone who enjoys reading, I started with books and then found that there are many instructional videos on YouTube and other websites, which helped me understand different schools of massage and techniques. Now, my massage style can be considered a culmination of various approaches.

Ultimately, it's all about practice. No matter how many books you read about swimming, you won't learn how to swim until you actually get in the water. Similarly, as a good masseur, it's important to be attentive and patient, to calm the client's mind, and to use techniques to gradually make the woman feel comfortable and different.

That's all for now, if you want to book my services, please visit my website and leave your information, and I will contact you as soon as possible! — — — — — — — — — — Yoni Spa 立即預約: IG: twitter: 網頁:

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